Tere tulemast meie kodulehele!
Meie esimene kuldne oli poiss, nimega Oskar. See, et kutsikas saab olema isane, oli ammu enne tema tulekut selge ja kindlasti pidi ta olema Oskar ehk minu arvates selline suure ja ägeda poisi nimi. Oskari kasvades aga tekkis tunne, et tal oleks ikka sõpra juurde vaja.
Ja kui Oskar oli pooleteise aastane ja kenasti koolis käinud ning viisakaks noormeheks sirgunud, tuli meie perre teine kuldne, rõõmurull Cooper. Oskar oli äraütlemata õnnelik ja meie ka, sest kohe esimesest päevast peale võttis Oskar Cooperi oma tiiva alla. Hoidis teda nagu oma last, õpetas, juhendas, kasvatas. Seda oli äraütlemata armas vaadata.
Tookord arvasime, et see on juhuslik, aga tegelikult mitte. Edaspidi nägime, et iga kord kui meie perre saabus uus kutsikas, võttis pere noorim isane ta endale hoolealuseks, täpselt nagu Oskar omal ajal ja nii ongi kõik meie kutsikad kasvanud oma ’’patrooni’’ tiiva all.
Ja kui Oskar oli pooleteise aastane ja kenasti koolis käinud ning viisakaks noormeheks sirgunud, tuli meie perre teine kuldne, rõõmurull Cooper. Oskar oli äraütlemata õnnelik ja meie ka, sest kohe esimesest päevast peale võttis Oskar Cooperi oma tiiva alla. Hoidis teda nagu oma last, õpetas, juhendas, kasvatas. Seda oli äraütlemata armas vaadata.
Tookord arvasime, et see on juhuslik, aga tegelikult mitte. Edaspidi nägime, et iga kord kui meie perre saabus uus kutsikas, võttis pere noorim isane ta endale hoolealuseks, täpselt nagu Oskar omal ajal ja nii ongi kõik meie kutsikad kasvanud oma ’’patrooni’’ tiiva all.
Julgen öelda, et isane koer on parim kutsikakasvataja.
Vahel küsivad kutsikaostjad minu käest, kumba ma soovitan, kas isast või emast kutsikat. Selle peale naeran alati, et minu käest on seda nii vale küsida, sest jah, meil on kõik koerad armsad, aga mina valiks alati isase, sest nad lihtsalt on nii ägedad!
Our first golden was a boy, Oskar. It was sure from the very beginning that it will be a boy and definitely with the name Oskar – the name of a big and cool boy in my opinion. When Oskar was one and a half years old, we felt he needed a friend.
Then, the always happy, Cooper arrived to our family. Oskar was so happy and took Cooper under his care from the first day, Taught him and took care of him. It was really lovely to watch.
In the beginning we thought it was just incidental, but in reality, it wasn’t. Thereinafter, with every new puppy, we saw how the youngest male took responsibility to take care of the newcomer, just like Oskar had done with Cooper!
So I dare say that the best teacher for a puppy is a male dog. Sometimes a puppy buyers asks me which one do I suggest, a boy or a girl puppy. I always laugh and say that I am the wrong person to ask this – all our dogs are dear to me, but I would always prefer a boy. They are just so cool!
Then, the always happy, Cooper arrived to our family. Oskar was so happy and took Cooper under his care from the first day, Taught him and took care of him. It was really lovely to watch.
In the beginning we thought it was just incidental, but in reality, it wasn’t. Thereinafter, with every new puppy, we saw how the youngest male took responsibility to take care of the newcomer, just like Oskar had done with Cooper!
So I dare say that the best teacher for a puppy is a male dog. Sometimes a puppy buyers asks me which one do I suggest, a boy or a girl puppy. I always laugh and say that I am the wrong person to ask this – all our dogs are dear to me, but I would always prefer a boy. They are just so cool!